Jan 13, 2023
Emmett Patterson, contributing author to Crisis and Care: Queer Activist Responses to a Global Pandemic joins us to discuss the LGBTQ, racial, and disability healthcare challenges that the recent pandemic highlighted. Then Albert Nothlit jumps returns for part 2 of our review of Sense8's first season!
Oct 14, 2022
Brenda Murphy returns to share her joy in the flexibility of being a hybrid author! Then horror author Michael G. Williams schooling us on the hidden message of Ginger Snaps. Followed by Baz and Vance sharing who won their weeks.
The Lesbian Review event link: https://www.thelesbianreview.com/events/specfic-reads/
Jul 29, 2022
JP Jackson returns to share his latest novels: A Tended Garden, Hood's Ride is Red, Cursed, and Devil's Due with us. Then Baz and Vance review Dance of the 41 and share who won the week for them!
Jul 15, 2022
Frank W. Butterfield returns to share his latest novels: Situation, The Useful Uncle, and his upcoming The Seductive Sellout with us, and we then discuss his ability to weave mysteries in multiple decades as well as some of his more recent, modern tie-ins. Then Baz and Vance review Stranger Things and share who won the...
Jul 1, 2022
David S. Pederson shares his two 1940s sleuths with us, and we then discuss his recent novel: Murder on Monte Vista, as well as his love of rendering floor plans and designs. Then Baz and Vance review season three of Love, Victor and share who won the week for t