Oct 29, 2021
Lee Pulaski joins us to share his recent release, White Christmas in the Desert, how the fall colors inspired his first novel, writing stories about non-standard families, romances without sex-scenes, mysteries, and so much more!
Oct 22, 2021
Roger from the National LGBT Help Center and Hotline joins us to share the scrappy DIY history of the Help Center, inform us of the services they offer, and point out they are a great first step if you have any questions related to orientation, identity, safer-sex practices, bullying, family concerns, relationships, and...
Oct 15, 2021
Catherine Lundoff from Queen of Swords Press joins us to talk about their upcoming releases, what they look for in a submission, and touch on author involvement in marketing!
Oct 8, 2021
Rue Sparks joins us to share their upcoming novel, The Fable of Wren. We also talk about loss, grief, genre, and the normalcy of non-binary and genderqueer characters.
Oct 1, 2021
Lish Steiling and Abbey Cook share how they merge food, fashion and design to build emotional experiences through their new brand - The Taste Curators!