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WROTE Podcast

Dec 29, 2017

This week two teens, Keely on the West Coast and Toby in the Midwest, join us to talk about what they like in books and media, and what they'd like to see more of!

Dec 22, 2017

Meredith King joins us to talk about what Diverse Reader is and what they offer, as well as give some insight into successful vs. not-so-successful promotion!

Dec 15, 2017

Robin Reardon joins us to talk about her motto, why she started writing LGBTQ, why she writes for teens specifically, and how she includes all manner of subjects into her work!

Dec 8, 2017

Lindsay Pierce joins us to talk about her breakout novel, Trans Liberty Riot Brigade, the dystopian themes we're seeing come to life, the nature of Y/A, and the importance of resiliency!

Dec 1, 2017

Christian Baines joins us to talk about his latest novel, Skin, writing the paranormal and the world-building behind it, dark heroes and LGBTQ antiheroes!